Salome dancing before Herod

  • Date of creation : february 2023
  • Size : 22763 X 16200 pixels
  • Maximum printing size :
  • 76 X 54 inches
  • 193 X 137 cm
  • Category :
  • Abstraction


"Then it was the rage of the love which wants to be assuaged. She danced like the priestesses of India, like the Nubians of the cataracts, like the Bacchae of Lydia. She turned over on all sides, like a flower that the storm agitates. The glitter of her ears jumped, the fabric of her back shimmered; from her arms, from her feet, from her clothes sprang invisible sparks which inflamed the men. A harp sang; the multitude answered with acclamations. Without bending her knees by spreading her legs, she bent so well that her chin brushed the floor; and the nomads accustomed to abstinence, the soldiers of Rome expert in debauchery, the avaricious publicans, the old priests embittered by disputes, all, dilating their nostrils, palpitated with lust."
Gustave Flaubert
Three tales : Herodias.
Translated from french to english with

"Puis ce fut l'emportement de l'amour qui veut être assouvi. Elle dansa comme les prêtresses des Indes, comme les Nubiennes des cataractes, comme les Bacchantes de Lydie. Elle se renversait de tous les côtés, pareille à une fleur que la tempête agite. Les brillants de ses oreilles sautaient, l'étoffe de son dos chatoyait; de ses bras, de ses pieds, de ses vêtements jaillissaient d'invisibles étincelles qui enflammaient les hommes. Une harpe chanta; la multitude y répondit par des acclamations. Sans fléchir ses genoux en écartant les jambes, elle se courba si bien que son menton frôlait le plancher; et les nomades habitués à l'abstinence, les soldats de Rome experts en débauches, les avares publicains, les vieux prêtres aigris par les disputes, tous, dilatant leurs narines, palpitaient de convoitise."
Gustave Flaubert
Trois contes : Herodias

Some artworks may show nudities ● The size in cm or inches is the theoretical maximum size of a high quality print at 300dpi ● The actual maximum size will depend on the printer ●  The colours of the printed work may vary slightly from the colours on screen ● Colours may vary slightly from one screen to another ● All the screens on which the artworks were created have been calibrated using a hardware calibration device ● The rooms where the artworks are shown are 3D creations


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