Panta rhei
Variant 5
- Date of creation : 2022
- Size : 16200 X 16200 pixels
- Maximum printing size :
- 54 X 54 inches
- 137 X 137 cm
- Category :
- Abstraction
"Heracleitus is supposed to say that all things are in motion and nothing at rest; he compares them to the stream of a river, and says that you cannot go into the same water twice."
"Héraclite dit que tout passe, que rien ne subsiste ; et comparant au cours d’un fleuve les choses de ce monde : Jamais, dit-il, vous ne pourrez entrer deux fois dans le même fleuve"
Some artworks may show nudities ● The size in cm or inches is the theoretical maximum size of a high quality print at 300dpi ● The actual maximum size will depend on the printer ● The colours of the printed work may vary slightly from the colours on screen ● Colours may vary slightly from one screen to another ● All the screens on which the artworks were created have been calibrated using a hardware calibration device ● The rooms where the artworks are shown are 3D creations